More expensive fuel, gas, groceries, cigarettes, driving exams, vehicle registration and numerous other products and services are making the already difficult economic and social situation in BiH even worse.
BH drivers are buying more expensive fuel since February 1, and its price was increased due to a long-announced increase of excises in the amount of 0.15 BAM (+ VAT). The Law on Excises, whose adoption was justified by “road constructions”, made fuel in BiH even more expensive, and our prices are not the cheapest in the region anymore.
Actually, diesel has been cheaper in Macedonia even before, but the novelty is that prices of both types of fuel in BiH are now higher than in Bulgaria. However, the situation on BH gas stations largely differs. The prices of BMB-95 (EN 228) and Euro 5 diesel (EN 590) range between 2.04 and 2.21 BAM, but they usually amount to 2.16 BAM. However, regardless of whether we consider the lowest, highest or middle value, the prices of fuel in BiH are still among the lowest in the region, along with Macedonia and Bulgaria.
The average prices of gasoline and diesel in regional countries on February 7, 2018, amounted to 3.12 BAM in Greece, 2.63 in Albania, 2.63 in Croatia, 2.56 in Montenegro, 2.52 in Slovenia, 2.39 in Serbia, 2.32 in Hungary, 2.24 in Romania, 2.16 in Macedonia, 2.16 in BiH, and 2,10 BAM in Bulgaria. The price of Eurodizel in Greece is 2.70 BAM, 2.61 in Albania, 2.53 in Serbia, 2.46 in Slovenia, 2.43 in Croatia, 2.36 in Hungary, 2.35 in Montenegro, 2.29 in Romania, 2.16 in Romania, 2.12 in Bulgaria and 1.89 BAM in Macedonia.
However, when we talk about fuel prices, we have to take the average salaries in each country into consideration, since the difference in fuel price is nothing when compared to two or three times higher salaries. The average salary in Croatia amounted to 813.17 EUR, 510 EUR in Montenegro, 439 EUR in BiH, and 409.63 EUR in Serbia.
“We can say that it is the cheapest when we observe prices at gas stations in different countries. However, when we take a look at the salaries and pensions, it is clear that fuel in BiH is more expensive than in many regional countries,” as said from the Association of Consumers. When we compare fuel prices and monthly income, citizens of BiH can buy significantly less fuel with their average salaries and pensions.