The European Commission has adopted an implementing decision approving the BiH residue monitoring plan for honey, poultry, eggs and milk. As a result, Bosnia and Herzegovina can export honey to the European Union.
The implementing decision, published in the Official Journal of the EU, indicates progress made in the meeting one of the preconditions for export of milk, dairy products, poultry and eggs.
The Head of Delegation/EU Special Representative Ambassador Peter Sorensen said:
“This should provide an incentive to BiH authorities needed for accreditation of other commodities. With regard to agricultural products of animal origin, simplification and clarification of the chain of control and command is crucial; some overlaps and lack of clarity in this chain still need to be resolved. It is necessary to make swift progress.
“Bosnia and Herzegovina should also continue to build capacities of the veterinary laboratories in residues analysis by working on the accreditation of the required methods. At the moment, most of the analysis is conducted in laboratories outside of the country.”
The European Union has provided laboratory equipment for food safety and veterinary laboratories in various towns of BiH. In the past ten years, the EU provided 19 million Euro for food safety and veterinary sector in BiH alone.
So far, Bosnia and Herzegovina has accredited only fish and honey for export to EU countries. The importance of accreditation is underlined by the upcoming EU membership of Croatia, traditionally the most important trade partner of Bosnia and Herzegovina.