The Commander of EUFOR, Major General Reinhard Trischak was welcomed to the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC) by its Commandant, AFBiH Colonel Edin Bajramović, on Thursday 29 August.
The PSOTC provides Training and Education in the field of Peace Support Operations for individuals from all units within the AFBiH, other organisations within BiH and many international partners, with the goal of supporting BiH’s overall effort to contribute to international peace and security.
A briefing covering the history of the Centre, its mission, achievements and future vision was given to the General by the Chief of the Training and Education department, Lieutenant Colonel Bajo Rogan. Major General Trischak noted how over the past 10 years, despite no increase in staff numbers, the output of the centre had risen from 18 courses a year to over 30. He also heard how over 8000 students, a third of whom were international, had benefited from the training provided by the Centre.
During a friendly and open dialogue between Major General Trischak and Colonel Bajramović the plans for the Centre’s future were discussed along with funding and cooperation with international partners. Major General Trischak was particularly interested in the recent production of a “protection of civilians” course and offered support to this important area.
Afterwards whilst on a tour of the building the General commented on the modern facilities and the professionalism of the staff.