The Council of Ministers of BiH will continue working on the implementation of four main priorities in the following year, including European integrations, economic development, strengthening of the rule of law and international cooperation, according to Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Denis Zvizdic.
He assessed that the Council of Ministers of BiH remained the generator of all positive processes in the last 30 months, a level of executive power that demonstrated very demanding but necessary level of good cooperation, compactness and persistence in the process of solving the most important problems but also realization the most important tasks.
“We expect a large number of activities in the next year. When we talk about the process of European integrations, our focus will remain on the Questionnaire, or procedures and the entire process after submitting the Questionnaires to the European Commission, and our main task will be to continue with cooperation with institutions of the EU and the European Commission, or more precisely, the lobbying phase for BiH to get candidate status as soon as possible,” noted Chairman Zvizdic.
The second priority of the Council of Ministers will be the preparation of all necessary strategies and projects regarding IPA, IPARD and other funds, which should be available to BiH in the upcoming period.
He also noted that the arrangement with the IMF, the World Bank and other international financial institutions will be continued and that they “will continue to work hard on strengthening fiscal stability and the increase of financial responsibility and financial discipline on the level of BiH”.
Moreover, he added that he will continue working on strengthening of BH economy towards the final full implementation of all measures that are related to the level of the Council of Ministers from the Economic Reform Agenda.
“We will definitely finish this until the middle of next year and we will further insist to put all our natural and human resources into function of BH economic development in a planned, professional, long-term and sustainable manner,” said Zvizdic.
He also noted that their aim is to open up new workplaces, and noted that the results showed positive trends so far. About tens of thousands of new workplaces were opened. However, Zvizdic emphasized that they are not completely satisfied with this result and that they will do much more in the future period.