The residents of Sarajevo launched a petition today to activate “measures to suppress unacceptable criminal behavior”. Samira Nuhanović, who launched the petition, said that “not all of us can do everything, but everyone can do something”.
“As a result of the negligent behavior of drivers, our children are dying on the streets of our city. They are left permanently disabled. Grieving families are forever crippled by their losses. This concerns each of us. Your child whom you send to school and training. Your parents, yourselves. With this petition, you support the initiative that will be sent to the Sarajevo Canton Government, that as a result of the tragic murder and injuries that occurred on 26 May on the streets of our city, initiate measures to suppress inadmissible criminal behavior,” reads the petition.
The petition proposes: Severe reduction of the permitted speed to a maximum of 40 km/h, severe increase in fines for any speeding violations. Zero tolerance for this behavior.
Also, ensuring the collection of already existing fines. How can someone pile up several thousand BAM in fines and still continue to drive?
In addition, the installation of security cameras at every intersection in Sarajevo, placing speed bumps at smaller distances than where they are now (a great example is the speed bumps in front of Malta Primary School – they really make you slow down), and permanent revocation of driver’s licenses for people who have three speeding offenses of any kind.
The petition can be signed here.