According to the latest data from the annual analysis and monitoring of the process of resolving the oldest cases, the courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 2020, resolved 140,452 oldest cases. The annual plan envisages resolving 176,669 oldest cases, and 80
95,317 cases were resolved in the courts of the Federation of BiH, 41,476 in the Republika Srpska, 2,049 in the Brcko District of BiH, while the Court of BiH resolved 1,610 of the oldest cases.
In the past ten years, from 2010 to the end of 2020, the courts resolved 1,254,557 of the oldest cases, which greatly affected the reduction in the total number of unresolved cases in the courts.
This number is the result of a long practice of implementing plans for resolving the oldest cases in courts, which was introduced by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HJPC BiH) in 2011 with the aim of reducing the age structure and a large number of old unresolved cases. BiH