The secessionist policy and disrespect for the state institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) continue. The collapse of BiH is the main goal, and numerous messages from the recent celebration of the unconstitutional day of the Republika Srpska (RS) have confirmed this.
Namely. the political crisis in our country does not subside even after the sanctions by the United States (U.S.). The defense of the constitutional and legal order of the state is key to preserving the integrity of BiH, as it was announced at the online debate organized in Copenhagen, and on the occasion of the current crisis in BiH and fears that it could escalate.
Will the moves of the West bear fruit, will they be enough to improve the current political situation in BiH which is very bad, or will we have to look for other solutions for internal disagreements and violations of the Constitution?
”As we all know, the past months were tragic in BiH, things are happening that make us all afraid that history could repeat itself, by which of course I mean the decision of the RS entity to go its own way, form its own institutions, leaving everything so we are worried about what the future might bring, ” said Martin Lidgard, chairman of the Danish Parliament’s foreign policy committee.
And the intention to form their own institutions is not the only problem, secessionism as a synonym for the RS entity is much broader, and hinders the state of BiH at every step.
“Extremism promoted through the Holocaust and genocide denial, celebrating convicted war criminals and systematically spreading false news. These policies and rhetorics aim to diminish the importance of democracy over the past 20 years. Due to BiH’s non-integration into the European Union (EU), these policies and intentions feed and grow,” mentioned Bisera Turkovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of BiH.
The rise of these policies and rhetoric, they said, affects not only stability in BiH but the entire Western Balkans region, making BiH’s territorial integrity not just a phrase but a very important aspect that everyone should care about.
“Society in BiH could do much more. There is a lot of worry and fear, and some people feel that things could get even worse. I would encourage them all to stand up and take a position,” pointed out BiH High Representative Christian Schmidt.
And the lack of human rights and dignity, which is one of the hallmarks of democratic relations, as they said, represents BiH as a dysfunctional state, whose progress is blocked in most fields of possible growth and development.
Source: Federalna