The Director of Croatian Security Intelligence Agency (SOA) Daniel Markic denied allegations by BiH security minister Dragan Mektic about recruitment of Wahhabi members in BiH, but he admitted that he had contacts with at least one person for whom BiH intelligence knew.
He also added that he had not yet received a report from BiH’s Intelligence-Security Agency, Patria News Agency reports.
“It’s shocking what’s happening there, I do not understand, we have had cooperation with the BiH Intelligence and Security Agency (OSA), they are our interlocutor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I hope that everything will be clarified. I am convinced that we are working well, “Markic said.
“We pointed out to a person who was suspicious to us, I let them to explain. We spoke with person of H.C. initials, we know who he is,” Markic said.
Asked if there is fear of radical right-wing extremism, Markic said he thinks this is not developed in our country.
Earlier in March, major media in BiH wrote that Croatian intelligence agents had tried to recruit members of the radical Islamic Salafi movement to plant weapons in Islamic places of worship, which would then be used as evidence for claims that Bosnia and Herzegovina has become a stronghold of radical Islamists, and that Croatian diplomats were involved in this.