An exhumation was completed at the Potočari site in Srebrenica municipality, during which the complete remains of one person were found.
The found remains of the victim were transported to the Commemorative Center in Tuzla, where forensic and criminal and technical processing will be performed, and where bone samples will be taken in order to conduct the DNA analysis and thus determine the victim’s identity.
The exhumation was led by an investigator from the Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who was following the instructions of the Prosecutor and coordinating the work of authorized police, forensic and other officers involved in the exhumation process.
The exhumation process was also attended by the representatives of the Missing Persons’ Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a forensic doctor, necessary workers and mechanization, as well as police officers from the Srebrenica Police Station.
The discovery of this location is the result of the joint work of the Special Department for War Crimes and SIPA, aimed at finding information and data on the locations that could contain the remains of victims from the past war.
The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the institutions involved in the process of searching for the missing persons, continues its activities in conducting exhumations and in searching for the missing persons in all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.