In two universities in Mostar there are around 20 000 students from BiH and neighbouring countries.
The accommodation of students in Mostar is a very current issue, because 20 000 students from BiH and neighbouring countries attend two universities in Mostar.
Because the old dorm could not accommodate all the students, two new ones were built.
In the vicinity of the campus of the University ”Džemal Bijedić” a ‘’Student hote’’l was opened, with more than 200 beds.
All the rooms are comfortably furnished, and the hotel is equipped with modern kitchen, laundry room, coffee shop, and other facilities necessary for living.
The other dorm is ”Student City” and it has 800 beds, restaurants, coffee shops, bookstores, etc.
Within the project of the Government of RS ” Modernisation of the University in the East Sarajevo”, a dorm for students of Faculty of Medicine and for students of Orthodox Theology Faculty is being built in Foča.
The construction of this dorm is one of the main conditions for the accreditation of Faculty of Medicine in Foča.
The dorm will have 173 rooms with 350 beds.