Employment Service of Canton Sarajevo will later this year hire 300 unemployed people who fall
into the category of existentially vulnerable. The jobs for these 300 unemployed will be in the field of
landscaping, infrastructure and social protection.
As seen from the report of the Employment Service of Canton Sarajevo, the Government of Canton
Sarajevo gave approval for the Program of changes and additions to the Program of measures for
stimulation and maintenance of higher rates of employment in Canton Sarajevo during the 2012. In
order to maintain the higher rates of employment, with the right aims and criteria for its realization,
there is also a Program of financing these 300 employed people.
Tomorrow, in the premises of the institution of the Employment Service of Canton Sarajevo, a
conference will be held, where the director of this institution will speak to the reporters and clarify the
future plans of the Employment Service in employing 300 people from Sarajevo.