In the village of Dubrave, right next to the main road, many passers-by stop to look at a small, unusual Bosnian house that cannot be seen from either side of the climbing vine.
As the 86-year-old owner Luca Hrgovcic told Avaz, she and her husband Ivo built the house 60 years ago, from an old large barn, with bolted bricks. They lived there with their six children, of whom Nikica, Kruno, Kreso and Filip are still alive today.
They grew up in this unusual house where no one lives today. They are afraid that when the vines give way, the house will collapse, so they built a new house.
Beautiful moments
“Numerous people stopped to see this unusual phenomenon and the large green vine that covered the walls from all sides, from the foundation to the roof, and even the surrounding electricity lines. Son Filip brought this climbing vine from Switzerland, planted it. It has strong roots, so it seems to me that if the vine were removed from the old, dilapidated house, it would collapse. Let it be like this, it doesn’t bother anyone, and it reminds us of a time long gone,” Hrgovcic told “Avaz”.
As she pointed out, they spent the most beautiful time there, but there were also difficult moments due to the struggle for existence.
“I raised our children there, we educated them and brought them up as believers, to work and teach their children,” Luca said.
Now she lives in a new house. The children went their separate ways, some to Croatia, others to Switzerland, the third to Germany. The surrounding houses are also empty.
“You see these rooms and old display cases, this is where my Ivo and I spent our lives with our children. And we didn’t complain. Today is a different time, and now our empty house is decorated with this climbing vine,” she pointed out.
Even though Luca is 86 years old, she doesn’t complain, her knees hurt, but she doesn’t give up.
She sees joy in her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and beautifying the household also makes her happy.
“I like that my house shines with cleanliness, smells of flowers… The courtyard is decorated with various types of decorative stone,” said Hrgovcic.