Members of the Joint Commission for Human Rights, Rights of Children, Youth, Immigration, Refugees, Asylum and Ethics and Aleksandar Pandurević, Chair of the Commission, Nermina Kapetanović, first Deputy Chairperson, Nermin Ćemalović, Slavko Jovičić, Mladen Ivanković Lijanović and Martin Raguž visited on 28 January the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data in BiH in order to mark the European Day for the Protection of Data.
At the meeting they spoke about opportunities for future cooperation, and members of the Joint Commission were informed about the activities, plans and capacities of the Agency for Personal Data in BiH.
As already noted, the Joint Commission for Human Rights, Rights of Children, Youth, Immigration, Refugees, Asylum and Ethics considers the issues of immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, realization of children’s rights, promotion of youth in BiH and problems in the realization and protection of human rights and freedom, and measures for their effective protection.
It was assessed that the purpose of data protection is the protection of personal life and other human rights and fundamental freedoms in the collection, defense and use of personal data.
At the same time, it was noted that the Law on Protection of Personal Data in BiH secures the protection of personal information to every individual, regardless of their citizenship and residence, as well as race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political and other beliefs, national and social origin, property, birth, education, social status and other characteristics.
Bearing in mind the competency of the Agency as an independent and autonomous body with the fundamental task of the inspection of the processing of personal data in BiH, as well as one of the fundamental responsibilities of the Joint Commission to consider issues related to the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of BiH, the possibilities of establishing and strengthening international cooperation were considered, announced the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data in BiH.