The BiH Minister of Civil Affairs Sredoje Nović will participate in the World Education Forum, which will be held from 28-30 January in London.
This is the largest gathering of Ministers of Education in the world, where key challenges that exist in their countries will be discussed.
The Ministers of Education will speak about strategies and policies that would reach all students, in order to achieve the quality of teaching and learning and optimizing the influence of education in accordance with national goals.
It is anticipated that the global summit for the Ministers of Education will be attended by world renowned speakers, as well as leaders and experts who will share their experiences of managing innovate political perceptions in the area of education.
Minister Nović will emphasize the commitment of education authorities in BiH to adjust their policies, strategies and practices in the area of education, science and research according to EU standards.
In the past few years, BiH has made considerable progress in framing the legal, strategic and institutional framework in the area of education, science and research.
Framework laws were passed that regulate preschool, primary and general secondary school, and vocational and higher education, which are fully adopted to the requirements Copenhagen and Bologna process when it comes to vocational and higher training.
In talks is the drafting of a legal and policy framework for adult education and preparations for the further development and implementation of a competitive framework for lifelong learning in BiH.
The Forum that was held in January of last year had around 55 Ministers attend, six international speakers and 70 state delegations.