BiH Diaspora annually invests about 3 billion BAM in BiH, and there is the willingness for major investment, said Minister for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH Semiha Borovac at the opening of the second Bosna International Forum (BIF), which started yesterday on Ilidza.
The aim of this forum is networking of BH Diaspora and presentation of investment opportunities in BiH.
Borovac emphasized that the attitude of BiH towards the Diaspora was not at a high level so far, but that the state is ready to institutionally cooperate with Diaspora.
Borovac also stated that BiH has educated and economically strong Diaspora, which wants to invest in their homeland and that the state is obliged to give an adequate response to this initiative.
The forum gathered experts, managers, and entrepreneurs, as well as young people who will present their projects to potential investors from around the world through two-day activities.
President of the Forum Hasib Hadzic said that the main aim of the BIF is to make a concept on how to use resources which BiH has. Therefore, it is important for them to gather as many people as possible in order to gather as many opinions and ideas.
“Every well-meaning investor in BiH is important to us,” said Hadzic.
The first Bosna International Forum was held in Linz, Austria.