A member of the Mountaineering Association ”Zeljeznicar”, Mujo Mulaosmanovic, started mountaineering back in 1975, and he became the first Bosnian who won more than 7,000 meters tall peak four years later.
In the month of July 1979, Branimir Maltric and Mujo Mulaosmanovic climbed the peak of Korzenjevski in Pamir. He managed to achieve a great progress in the sport he liked, and only four years after he started mountaineering, he managed to move the borders of BH alpinism.
“I decided to join a course of alpinism back in 1975, and I was the second year at the university back then. I made some significant progress for the mountaineering in BiH in the period from 1975 to 1980, and the peak of that was in 1979 when we climbed the top of Korzenjevski (7105 meters). However, everything I did on our mountains and in the Alps is definitely a very important success. Those were the pioneering steps in the field of mountaineering. There were some people before, but they were mostly climbing our mountains.
One of the most challenging peaks in Europe is definitely the Matterhorn. Mulaosmanovic conquered it as well, and he will remember this peek for a long time due to the cult status of this mountain among mountaineers.
After he climbed some of the highest peaks in BiH and Europe, it was time to go further and win the first peak over 7,000 meters. They decided for the top Korzenjevska (7105 meters) in Pamir.
“Our expedition lasted for about 32-33 days. Slovenians organized this adventure, and my friend Buco and I managed to get into the expedition. The organizers were more than correct, but the first Yugoslav expedition to Everest was organized that year, so our expedition was a bit neglected. However, this was also a huge success for BiH,” said Mulaosmanovic.
He has no regrets for never climbing the Himalayas, and his only unfulfilled wish is Khan Tengri (7,010 meters).
“The only thing I regret is not climbing the Khan Tengri when our team went on that expedition in 1980. That is one of the cult peeks like Matterhorn, at least in my opinion,” concluded Mulaosmanovic.
(Source: Radiosarajevo.ba)