In the first year of its mandate, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) carried out activities to fulfill 104 promises out of a total of 254, which were given by the eight parties that formed the state level of executive power. Of that number, four promises have been fulfilled, while work has begun on fulfilling 100 promises, these are the results of the monitoring of the fulfillment of pre-election promises carried out by Istinomjer.
One promise was assessed as broken, while no activities were recorded to fulfill 149 promises.
The monitoring of the fulfillment of pre-election promises carried out by Istinomjer includes the promises of eight political parties (SNSD, HDZ BiH, SDP BiH, Nasa stranka – Our Party, Narod i Pravda NiP – People and Justice, DNS, BH Zeleni and Ujedinjena Srpska -United Srpska) that formed the Council of Ministers of BiH on January 25th, 2023. Istinomjer collected promises from pre-election programs presented by political parties ahead of the 2022 General Election, as well as from official websites, social networks of political parties, and recordings of pre-election rallies of those parties that did not have a program.
SDP BiH gave the most promises for this level of government (102), while DNS and United Srpska had only one promise each, and SNSD two. Of these three parties from Republika Srpska (RS) that participate in the work of the Council of Ministers, only United Srpska had a pre-election program, which was mostly related to the level of RS.
NiP made 75 promises, Nasa stranka 38, HDZ BiH 22 and BH Zeleni 13 promises.
The most promises were made in the field of economy (69) – 58 promises were made in the field of the rule of law, 43 of them in the field of education, sports and culture, 39 promises were made in the field of foreign policy, 35 in the field of state organization, and five promises each in the fields health and social policy.
In the field of economics, one promise was fulfilled
The only fulfilled promise in the field of economy related to the increase of the threshold for entry into the VAT system, which was given by NiP, and it was fulfilled after the Bill on
Amendments to the Value Added Tax Act was adopted in the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH (PABiH) in November 2023, where the threshold for entering the VAT system was increased from 50,000 to 100,000 BAM.
Activities have been started on eight of the 27 promises in the field of state regulation
In the field of state regulation, activities were carried out on eight promises which, after one year of the mandate of the Council of Ministers, were assessed as started, while no activities were recorded on the fulfillment of 27 promises.
Although e-government does not yet exist at the BiH level, the promise of its establishment was considered to have begun after in January 2024, the director of the Indirect Taxation Administration of BiH, Zoran Tegeltija, presented the Minister of Communications and Transport of BiH, Edin Forto, with a digital qualified signature.
Without concrete results in the area of social policy
Out of a total of five promises made in the field of social policy, work has begun to fulfill four, which mainly related to returnees.