Joint candidate of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) and the Alliance for Better Future (SBB) for the mayor of the Ilidža Municipality Senaid Memić spoke about plans for development of the municipality if he wins the mandate at the upcoming elections. He also spoke about projects he intends to implement and presents his vision of the Ilidža Municipality in the future.
Memić’s main aim as the mayor is to invest efforts in order to make Ilidža the regional tourist and educational center. Also he strives to improve the standard and quality of life for the citizens, to solve the community needs, and to deal with all other issues that will contribute to better living conditions.
“In the past four years, we managed to launch positive trends in Ilidža. In the next mandate, I want the results of our efforts to be more visible and that every citizen of Ilidža experiences the quality of life as ensured by the persistent work of the Municipal Council, administration, and me as their mayor,” Memić said.
In the next four years, Memić intends to continue and launch significant capital projects.
“Our plans include continuation of provision of scholarships for students, aid to the treatment of socially endangered citizens, aid to the veteran population, support for the work of schools and health centers, donating of greenhouses etc. We will keep investing in water supply, sewerage network, local roads, public lighting, landscaping. We will remain consistent to the practice of equal investing in all local communities. We are working on and will be working on regulation of water flows so that we do not have issues with floods in certain parts of the municipality. There are more than 2.500 registered companies in Ilidža and that number increases. We already have issues with the shortage of certain occupations such as waiters, cooks, receptionists, carpenters, and that is an issue that we will solve. We will launch the New Ilidža project and strengthen cooperation with businessmen. Special attention will be paid to illegally built facilities, and we will strive to legalize all facilities with minimum risks of collapsing,” Memić emphasized.
Memić said that Ilidža is an example of how work should be done.
“My vision is to make a city for another 20.000 residents on the right bank of Željeznica in Ilidža, to solve communal issues of Butmir, Hrasnica, Stup, to regulate water supply and sewerage systems in Rakovica, and to reward people who hire other people and open workplaces. We will open Ilidža for investments, insist on hiring of local people from our municipality. We will be sensitive to the needs of our citizens and solve problems together, in accordance with our possibilities,” Memić stated.
(Source: Asotić)