The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina welcomes the progress demonstrated by the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s decision last night to endorse the Proposed Law on Protection from Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with amendments to the Criminal Code of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We trust that the next procedural steps in the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be prioritized, including conducting constructive, inclusive discussions and consultations and making further improvements wherever necessary.
These measures, along with the effective implementation of meaningful domestic violence legislation and policies, are crucial for delivering urgent and effective victim-centered protection, support, and justice; equipping institutions with the necessary tools for action; and reinforcing the message that there is #NoExcuse for domestic violence, gender-based violence, or violence against women. The Mission remains committed to providing further support in ensuring everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina lives safely, securely, and free from such violence.