Police forces of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina marked the Police Day on July 1, a ceremony on which Federation of BiH Prime Minister Fadil Novalic and Federal Minister of Interior Aljosa Campara said that support for training and capacity building was needed to help police perform their work professionally.
“It places us in a common task of filling in the police structures and their equipment in order to respond adequately to all security challenges,” Novalic said, adding that today’s defilement of police officers has shown that citizens of the Federation can count on police officers who will protect them and respond to every security challenge.
Campara emphasized that the Federal Ministry of Interior will be pushing in its demands to allow the new police officers to be admitted and to support the changes that include the procurement of material and technical resources and more efficient police work.
“We have the opportunity to see the strength and power of the Federal police structures. Courage is just some of the features of these police officers, and our obligation is to make it easier for them to do everyday activities by improving legal regulations,” said Campara.
Campara said he is proud of the fact that the police in the Federation have shown unity and strength to counteract every aspect of the security situation by common action, Federal News Agency reports.