The premiere of the comedy show “Audition” was held yesterday night in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Sarajevo in front of almost 6 000 people.
During the audition, actors tell the story of how they managed to pass the entrance exam on the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo.
Each of them tries to pass the exam in front of the professor by showing their best skills, by dancing, singing or imitating. The only appearance of the actors on stage has resulted with laughter, and almost every sketch and sentence pronounced was awarded by the great applause of the audience of all ages.
Originally performed in December 1984, “Audition” (Audicija) is based on the true events of the entrance exams for the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo. It achieved an immense popularity during the 20th century in ex-Yugoslavia when some 2.5 million people saw the show.
ST Photo by Xinhua/Haris Memija