The Hague Prosecutor’s Office requested from the judges to reject the Defense’s request for the pronouncement of the first instance verdict to Ratko Mladic, which is scheduled for November 22, to be postponed due to his health condition.
Prosecutors estimated that the Defense “failed to provide any justification for their request and for the allegations with which they supported it.”
Prosecutors also noted that doctors in the detention of Tribunal and independent specialists closely monitored Mladic’s health condition throughout the whole trial.
“Their reports stated that Mladic was able to take part in the trial and to hear a verdict on the allegations against him,” claimed the Prosecution.
The Prosecution also stated that the Trial Chamber in a recent decision stated that Mladic had “no acute medical problems” that had not been already treated.
Former Commander of the Army of the RS Ratko Mladic is charged with genocide in Srebrenica, the persecution of Bosniaks and Croats all over BiH, which reached the scale of genocide in six municipalities, terrorizing the citizens of Sarajevo through shelling and sniping and taking members of UNPROFOR for hostages.
Mladic’s trial started in May 2012, one year after he was arrested in Serbia and extradited to The Hague in late May 2011, after he spent 16 years on the run.