This year, a man from Sanski Most Enes Kobaslic expects a record yield of peach in his orchard which should, according to his estimations, amount to over five tons.
Namely, Kobaslic is the only orchard man in the Una-Sana Canton who deals with breeding of this Mediterranean culture, and several years ago he planted three hundred of peach trees.
“When I was planting them, everyone was laughing at me saying that peach cannot bear fruit in this region. They were wrong“, said Kobaslic with a laugh. Kobaslic added that he used the rocky land where his orchard is located for the planting of the peach, and after that he built an irrigation system.
Kobaslic pointed out that the “Sana Peach“ is exceptionally demanded on the local market and beyond.
This hardworking orchard man stated that, unlike the previous years, this year is extremely fertile, and that he hopes for a good harvest.
“I expect a crop of over ten tons of several different species of apples, the approximate amount of pears, and the plums also yielded fruit this year“, Kobaslic emphasized. Spouses Enes and Nedjla Kobaslic, refugees from Banja Luka, made the largest orchard in the region at the site of the village Fajtovci, around 20 kilometers away from Sanski Most, ten years ago.
The orchard is located on a four hundred meters high hill, which dominated over the valley of the Sana River. Spouses Kobaslic pointed out that they engaged in fruit growing out of necessity, and that they see the source of their life existence in this business.
“Since we experienced some business failures, I decided to engage in what I love since I was a child, and that is fruit growing. I have spent almost my entire property for the purchase of the land and for making the orchard“, said Kobaslic.
Kobaslic added that he planted about 3.200 apple, pear, plum, cherry and peach trees on 27 hectares of land.
„We are completely dedicated to this business, and we spend literally 24 hours in the orchard. This business takes a lot of time, energy and effort, but most of all-love“, said this couple.
(Source: photo biscani)