The police action of closing five Serbian parallel municipalities in the north of Kosovo caused criticism of the Kosovo government for, as stated, “deteriorating relations with the United States (U.S.). After this, the first reactions from Kosovo followed.
Political analysts from Kosovo qualified this reaction as pointless because they said that the action was in accordance with the agreements reached in the Brussels dialogue.
However, they demanded that, in addition to establishing law and order in the north, the Government of Kosovo should build and maintain good relations with the international community. The Kosovo authorities have so far not responded to criticism from the international community.
The action carried out by the Kosovo police on Friday was condemned by the international factor as another uncoordinated action by the government, which risks unnecessarily escalating tensions and undermining Kosovo’s reputation as a reliable partner.
Basri Muja, a professor of political science in Pristina, assessed this reaction as pointless, because he said that the action was in accordance with the dialogue agreements from 2013 and 2015, says Koha.
“It is an unfair, incomprehensible reaction, to say the least, hypocrisy, because, unfortunately, it is not the first time that Kosovo has been asked not to implement the European Union (EU)-sponsored agreements that were adopted in Brussels. As a reminder, the agreement on shutting down parallel structures in Kosovo dates back to sometime in 2015, so it has been tolerated for nine years,” said Muja.
Political science professor Dorajet Imeri agrees with this, saying that the abolition of parallel structures should have happened a long time ago.
“Kosovo and Serbia have long agreed that the parallel structures that existed in Kosovo and were extremely powerful and responsible for many crimes committed on the territory of Kosovo, no longer exist. Of course, this agreement must be applied like any other agreement reached in to this process,” said Imeri.
To recall, the Minister of Local Self-Government in Kosovo, Elbert Krasniqi, announced that after the operation of the Kosovo Police, several facilities of parallel Serbian institutions in the north of Kosovo were closed.
Krasniqi said that the parallel municipalities that will no longer operate are: Kosovo District Mitrovica, parallel municipality Mitrovica, parallel municipality Zvecan, parallel municipality Zubin Potok, parallel municipality Leposavic.
These five were joined by seven other parallel municipalities that were closed in Prizren, Peja, Suva Reka, Istok, Klina, Orahovac and Dragas, writes.