Police officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) handed over seven people who were arrested on Friday to the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on suspicion of participating in the murder of a large group of Bosniaks, including women and children in village Balatun near Bijeljina.
Among those arrested are Goran Saric, former commander of the RS Special Police Brigade, Zivan Miljanovic, assistant commander of the Bijeljina Public Security Station, Stevo Bokaric, a member of the Bijeljina State Security Service, Jovica Petrovic and Mirko Simic, members of the SJB Intervention Squad, Ljubo Markovic and Slavenko Kocevic, members of the Special Unit of the RS Ministry of the Internal Affairs, the so-called ”Pahuljice” (“Snowflakes”).
According to a statement by the Prosecution from the other day, they are suspected of participating in the murder of 22 Bosniaks, including 7 children and 8 women.
“Among the suspects deprived of their liberty are persons charged with direct participation in the executions of the victims,” it was said in the statement.