In the Sarajevo municipality Novi Grad, workshops for the elderly opened, where they will be able to get together to knit, crochet, make jewelry and play chess.
The workshops are part of a project ‘improving the lifestyle and making everyday life easier for the elderly’ that is implemented by the Association ‘Out Loud’ as part of the project ‘Strengthening local democracy III-LOD III, financed by the EU, and implemented by UNDP and municipality Novi Grad.
The mission of the project is to encourage active engagement and prevent social isolation.
They will have access to free blood pressure and blood sugar tests, and ‘Out Loud’ announced that they would continue to expand the workshops in accordance with their abilities and the wishes of members.
‘’We hope that in the next period we will provide computer courses for which we are trying to get adequate equipment. We hope that the idea becomes a reality and after the end of this project we will get a new center for healthy aging’’, said the Association.
(Source: Fena)