Bimal d.o.o Brčko is the only edible oil producer in B&H and falls into one of the most modern factories of oil in the region of Southeast Europe, and from privatization in 2002 until today has directly invested more than 30 million Euros in the development of business.
Every new business year is a year of new challenges for Bimal, because there is no compromise when it comes to Bimal’s products, said the company to Fena.
In 2014, they plan to place their products to markets in the region, Western Europe, as well as Turkey and the Middle East. Certification is in accordance with the Danube Soy Standard, and gives Dimal the opportunity to place protein meal on the markets of the region and the EU.
‘’In our business plan for 2014, we plan revenue growth and the entire Bimal team will work to achieve this’’, said the Company.
The favorable location of Bimal factory, on the border of B&H, Croatia and Serbia, as well as a direct connection with highways, rails and international ports on the Save River gives the company excellent logistics capabilities.
In addition to B&H, Bimal currently operates and trades with the markets in Croatia, Slovenia and Austria, through which they also supply select industrial buyers with especially high standards from Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and beyond.
(Source: Fena)