[wzslider autoplay=”true”]Ramadan is an opportunity for clear commitment for everyone as well as for those who look at the world from the artistic viewpoint. The only academic graphic artist in this part of BiH, Irma Guso, got the opportunity to paint the interior of a religious building.
As part of the restoration of the mosque in Ustipraca, which was destroyed in the war and reconstructed in 2003, dzemat board gave the task to Irma to paint the mihrab (place in front of the mosque where imam leads the prayer). She wanted to get engaged in this aspect of the art for a long time, especially after she visited the monumental buildings in Turkey.
“Ramadan and my religion led me to accept the challenge of creating an Islamic art in one of our mosques. I was invited to participate in the decorative painting of the mosque in Ustipraca, which is located at the intersection of roads that are leading to Visegrad, Gorazde and Rogatica, and it belongs to the Municipality of Novo Gorazde, to decorate wall surfaces with illustrations and calligraphy prints. Basis of decor of the mosque space includes calligraphy prints, so my work also went in this direction,” said Irma.
Irma graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, and she was developing 3D technology at numerous street art festivals, but the encounter with tradition is a whole new experience for her. It would not be the first time that the artist develops a style that causes admiration in the eye of the beholder because of the return to its own identity and tradition.
Irma explained that the planned decoration of mihrab is in accordance with Islamic art that characterized these areas before, and which have historical and artistic relationship with the former Ottoman Empire.
“It is known that the Ottomans gave an original stamp to Islamic art and reached a peak in artistic writing of calligraphy, decoration and illustration of architecture. In accordance with this, BiH has the same cultural and historical heritage, which is largely destroyed and replaced with bad and unprofessional copies nowadays. Realization of this project is a unique example that comes from the most beautiful examples of Islamic art, with the seal of the present time in which we live, and by making sure not to lose the powerful spiritual symbolism. The project will be left to future generations as a legacy to save, to be proud of, and to be an example of how the mosque should maintain the spirit of Islam,” said Irma.
It is not the Blue Mosque, but the mosque in Ustipraca also has its own charm.
“When I think of any mosque, the Blue Mosque comes to my mind first, because it symbolizes the peak of Islamic civilization. It speaks about shades of art, education, architecture and progress. I see my works as a symbol of hope, that what we have reached in the past, we can achieve in the future again, and I was led by this feeling,” said Irma.
She emphasized that it is a great honor and pleasure to work this kind of job that she will continue doing after the month of Ramadan.
(Source: E. A./Klix.ba)