Here are some of the photographs taken by NASA astronauts from the International Space Station.
This photograph which shows Olovo and Krivaja River was taken during the 23rd expedition in March 2010.
This photograph of Sarajevo was taken on one night in February, in 2011.
This is the photograph of Sarajevo taken in May 2013. It was taken by members of the 36th expedition on the International Space Station.
The Dinara mountain range extends to the south from the Alps in Slovenia, through Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, to northern Albania. It is one of the least known and explored mountain ranges in Europe.
“Hello Bosnia and Herzegovina. I think I can see Sarajevo, can you,” wrote Samantha Cristoforetti, first female astronaut from Italy on the International Space Station.
This photo shows Bosnia and Herzegovina surrounded by the countries of the region. This satellite image was taken in late August 2012.
(Source: NASA)