Sabina Cudic, President of the Main Board of Our Party (in Bosnian: Nasa stranka), was one of the actors in yesterday’s meeting with American and European officials on the topic of changes to the Election Law.
She said that the transfer of responsibility of the SDA and HDZ to the opposition confirms what they have been talking about for a while now.
“The agreement between SDA and HDZ exists, it is based on further ethnicization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), and Mr. Izetbegovic calls on the opposition to sign its failure. We will not fall for pressure, but we will take responsibility. The solutions proposed by Izetbegovic and Covic are not acceptable to us since they lead to the division of BiH and destroy the possibility of agreement and unblocking the processes that are important for BiH’s progress towards the European Union (EU). Our Party will give its proposals when it comes to the amendment of the Election Law,” Cudic said.
She told that Izetbegovic and Covic will certainly not like the solutions of the opposition, but they will not give up on them.
“We have warned of the shortcomings of the current course of negotiations that was led outside the institutions, without a single party from the opposition. These shortcomings are now coming to the spotlight because citizens are hopeless, they can only agree to what ‘