The desecration of the Orthodox Church of the Ascension of Christ in Stolac deserves the strongest condemnation. This act of vandalism creates a feeling of insecurity among the returnees, and discomfort among the majority of residents who are in favor of living in safety and tolerance, stated BiH Deputy Minister for Human Rights and Refugees Duška Jurišić.
The destruction and desecration of religious buildings, Jurišić stated, represents a direct violation of the human rights of every person who cherishes spiritual, religious and cultural identity.
She added that the police should quickly find the perpetrators, and the judicial authorities should sanction such acts more strictly.
“Bearing in mind the frequency of violations of the rights of vulnerable and minority groups, especially returnees, political officials should be united in condemning this, as well as any other act, which is contrary to the principles of multiculturalism and multireligious life in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Jurišić pointed out, stated the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina.