Songs of Dino Merlin marked many destinies and (not) beautiful love stories, but only a few people are familiar with the fact that all the songs came up as a result of the singer’s life experiences.
He is now known as one of the biggest stars in this region and he enjoys the wealth although he is coming from a poor family. He had a problem in communication with his father who was an alcoholic and who left their family when Merlin was only a child. This life experience inspired him to write the song “Kad ti dodjem nesreco (When I come to you misfortune).
The love story of Merlin and his wife Amela was very complicated. His wife came from a wealthy family, but her parents were against their relationship and they were against their marriage as well.
However, their love was stronger and she secretly married him when they were 20 years old.
However, he says that her parents now love him more than he deserves, and their love story inspired him to write the song “Kad si rekla da me volis (When you said you loved me).”
One of his biggest hits “Moj je zivot Svicarska (My life is Switzerland)” was also a “consequence” of an interesting situation.
As a young man, when he was poor, Merlin loved a girl who ended up to be a gold digger. She left him and went to Switzerland with a rich boyfriend.
When he became famous, she returned to Sarajevo for him, and he sang this song for the first time: “I have everything I want, only one thing not, that someone at least for a moment loves me because of me!”
Merlin had a very deep relationship with his mother, who had a very turbulent relationship with his father, who left them.
After she died, he dedicated her his famous song “Nedostajes (Missing you)”.