More than 13,000 people lost their job in the second half of March, according to data from the Tax Administration of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These are data from the period when the state of natural disaster was declared in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity (March 16) until the beginning of April, according to eKapija business portal.
Namely, according to official records from the Unified system of registration, control and collection of contributions, the number of employees in the Federation of BiH according to the place of residence of employees as of April 3rd amounted to 520,641 and compared to April 16th, was reduced by 13,842 employees, news portal reports.
Also, the number of employees as of April 3rd compared to February 29th this year decreased by 11,309 employees, which means that in the first half of March there was actually a slight increase in the number of employees.
In addition, as of March 31, the number of employees was 528,476. and the same is smaller compared to February 29th, for 3,474 employees.
This data shows that a large number of persons, almost 8,000, were actually fired in the first days of April. The Tax Administration of the Federation of BiH also announced that the taxpayers of the Federation of BiH paid 1,280,859,055 BAM of public revenues for the period January – March 2020, for which the Tax Administration of the Federation of BiH is responsible, which is 67,668,784 BAM less than in the same period. last year.
This is a payment from entity competencies, which is the collection of direct taxes, contributions, and fees.