The Council of Ministers of BiH adopted the Work Program of the Office for Foreigners Affairs in 2018. Minister of Security Dragan Mektic noted that after the mass migrations, the problem of migrants became serious for BiH because it became a route for illegal migration.
“Part of those immigrants literally left “stuck” in Serbia, or between Serbia and Greece, around 10 000, who are slowly “moving” from that area,” said Mektic, and added that a new illegal route was opened from Greece, through Albania, Montenegro, BiH, and a smaller part goes towards Croatia.
Mektic recalled that he already talked about this topic on several meetings in Brussels and Warsaw, when it comes to meetings on the level of the EU.
“These data that we are currently concerned with may not seem that great for the EU, but they are a serious problem for us,” said Minister Mektic.
He also stated that he asked from EU institutions, i.e. FRONTEX (The European Border and Coast Guard Agency), with the aim of paying attention to this problem, because it will be a significant figure at this year’s level and it will not only burden BiH but the EU as well.
“I am offering concrete proposals. My proposal was for FRONTEX to send a number of police officers from the countries of EU. We are ready to give a number of our state border police officers on the border between Albania and Montenegro because I think that is the largest problem,” stated Minister Mektic.
He added that BiH is still struggling with this problem, and noted that it is the most important to keep the problem under the control if it is within the capacity that BiH can provide.
“We are on the borderline of these capacities, but we still manage to do it,” stated Minister of Security, and noted that they do not have the exact data on the number of migrants, but that this number was drastically increased.