Nura Eston was born in Canada around 30 years ago. Her parents, who are originally from BiH, moved to the US back in the 1960’s. Today, she is working as a manager for client relationships for a company that is included on Forbes’ list of top 50 technology companies in the world. She is in charge for maintenance of good relations with partners such as HSBC, CIBC, National Bank of Canada… Although she has no stronger connection with BiH, Nura thinks of BiH as her homeland. She was inspired to get more included in the promotion of BiH in Toronto after a visit to her homeland that took place 10 years ago.
“I did not grow up in the BH community in Toronto. My connection with BiH was established after a visit in 2003 when I really felt a strong connection with this people and this country. I started learning more about culture, music, and origins right after that trip,” said Nura.
Nura Eston decided to join the association “Restart” in 2016, when an initiative was started with the focus on the business connection of BH Diaspora with the aim of organizing a business networking event in Toronto in the year of 2017.
Together with her sister Amanda, Nura is working on organizing a meeting of women from our diaspora which gathered more than 300 participants at the last event. Nura strongly believes that the involvement of educated women in our community, which was increased, needs to be increased when it comes to challenges that BH Diaspora is facing with.
“Our generation often sends a message – we have something good to say,” said Nura, who believes that young people and especially women are usually often left out of the discussion on ‘difficult topics’.
BH Diaspora will be part of the Reconnect2018 event in Sarajevo this August with the association “Restart” and the USAID project “Diaspora Invest”, with the aim of working on the connection of business initiatives, investors and new development projects. Nura Eston will provide her support through work with communities in Canada again this year.
Nura Eston is spending her volunteer hours by talking to people who are interested in investing in BiH. She tells them that it is time to invest in BiH.
“We have well-educated and qualified staff that is waiting for their opportunity. I am telling them that they can save their money by starting a business in BiH without losing the quality of their products and services. We can make a positive step forward in BiH through joint effors. Therefore, it is important to work with entrepreneurs on that path and share positive stories about their success,” noted Eston.