“Small school of organic production“ that is organized by the Association of citizens “Healthy land“-Ilovice, in the cooperation with the Association of citizens “Bonitas“-Trnovo, represents the support to unemployed youth and a stimulus for stay in undeveloped areas and the reduction of the unemployment rate.
Opening of the six-months program of “Small school of organic production“ will be held on 16th June in Trnovo, and will mark the beginning of a joint work of youth, and a unique opportunity for raising awareness on possibilities that are provided for them.
Participants will, with advices od renowned experts for the organic production, be directed to the joint work in terms of defining and realization of goals of youth for the life and staying in their local communities.
Those who successfully finish the program of “Small school of the organic production“ will get a stimulus in the form of the organic seeds, that they can use for the start the grow of their own organic garden in 2016.
The organization “Healthy land“ carries out a program named “Organic peace building“ within the project “Dialogue for the future“, implemented by the UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO in the partnership with the Presidency of B&H.
The project “Dialogue for the future“ is being financed with the funds of the Office of United Nations for the support to the peace building/ The Peace Building Fund (PBF).
(Source: seebiz.net)