The OSCE Mission to B&H will officially introduce the Internet platform Supercitizens on Friday, 22 November 2013 at 11:00 in Sarajevo.
This is an Internet tool that will allow citizens to report on incidents motivated by prejudice on the websites and, as well as positive examples of integration in their local communities, highlighting the responses to these types of incidents and efforts to prevent them.
The platform is part of a wider project by the OSCE Mission to B&H on raising awareness and capacity of the judiciary, police authorities, government officials, civil society and media in order to prevent and respond to acts committed out of prejudice, and which are being implemented in cooperation with 15 local coalitions against hate.
The presentation will be led by a panel discussion on the topic ‘Responses to hate crimes in B&H as a path to reconciliation’, with the participation of Zdravko Knežević, Chief Prosecutor of the FB&H Prosecutor’s Office, Nedžad Koldžo, Mayor of municipality Novo Sarajevo, Srđan Puhalo, psychologist and Radomirka Savić, representative of the coalition ‘Bunt protiv mržnje’ from Srebrenica.
(Source: OSCE B&H Press Office)