A study by the Ministry of Transport of Sarajevo Canton and the Faculty of Transport and Communications of UNSA identified 16 dangerous places in this canton.
The study “Identification of dangerous places and sections on the primary road network in Sarajevo Canton” was presented at the Faculty of Transport and Communications, which was prepared for the needs of the Ministry of Transport of CS by a research team made up of professors from the Faculty of Transport and Communications.
The aim of the study was to show and identify dangerous places on roads in Sarajevo Canton, according to three different criteria.
Sixteen black spots were identified on 107 roads, of which a detailed and in-depth analysis was done for 10 in order of priority, based on which a project task will be drawn up in the coming period, in order to prevent all future potential dangers.
Ten dangerous places according to priority, and based on the coefficient of the severity of traffic accidents, where black spots have been determined are: Crossroads of the streets Maršala Tita – Dalmatinska – Kulovića, Crossroads of the streets Maršala Tita – Alipašina – Hamze Hume – Kranjčevićeva, Džemal Bijedića (near the Hecco building), Intersection of Bulevar Meše Selimovića – Srđana Aleksića, Intersection of Zmaja od Bosna Street – Bulevar Meše Selimovića – Malta – Azize Šaćirbegović, Intersection of Rustem Pašina Street – Edhema Džubura – Butmirska Street (Roundabout Ilidža), Obala Kulina Bana (near University Sarajevo), Alipašina (near the Koševo stadium), Džemal Bijedić (near the former Pensioners’ Home) and the intersection of Rustem Pašina – Ibrahim Ljubović – Mustafa Pintola – Emir Bogunić Čarlija streets.
Additional six dangerous places, with a lower coefficient of severity of traffic accidents, and for which a detailed analysis will be done in the coming period, are: Intersection of streets Nikola Šopa – Briješćanska – Hifzi Bjelavac – Džemal Bijedić, Džemala Bijedića (near the former Mc Donalds), Intersection of streets Adema Buće – Drinska – Safeta Zajka, Maršala Tita (Marijin Dvor), Alipašina (under the Ciglane bridge) and the intersection of Alipašina – Husref Redžić streets.