The member of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Zeljko Komsic, said yesterday that the installation of gas pipes across the Sava River, in a kind of secrecy and without the knowledge of state institutions of BiH, is just another act of aggression against our country within a new type of joint action, by domestic and foreign actors.
He stressed that he had requested information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH, which clearly stated that they were not involved in the process, nor was there any document initiating the signing of a protocol, memorandum of cooperation, or international agreement between the two sovereign countries, BiH on the one hand and Croatia on the other.
“So now it is clear that this was an act done on the other side of the law and international law, in which some obviously participated. One of the actors who must offer us answers to the questions of how this was even possible is the director of the Border Police of BiH, Zoran Galic. Regardless of how many people they have and what are the capacities of the state Border Police, the setting of such gas pipeline installations cannot and must not go unnoticed,” stated Komsic.
He added that this was a sufficient reason to demand the responsibility of the director of the Border Police of BiH, and for the competent authorities, such as the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, to immediately check the possible involvement of individuals in this illegal activity.
He expects the Ministry of Security of BiH to immediately contact the Border Police of BiH, which must do everything possible to stop the illegal works immediately.
”The Government of the Republic of Croatia must necessarily stop all works on the gas pipeline. This is a complete scandal and a blow to the sovereignty of the state of BiH,” Komsic noted, as was announced from his office.
Sefik Dzaferovic, the member of the BiH Presidency, stated yesterday in Banja Luka that the installation of the pipes for gasification of the refinery in Brod without the permission of BiH is an act that is contrary to international law and the law of BiH.
While answering a journalist’s question, Dzaferovic said that the memorandum that was signed in 2017 was invalid because it was not approved by the Council of Ministers of BiH, the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, or the Presidency of BiH.
“If the pipes were placed across the border, it represents a violation of the territorial integrity of BiH, and that is a very serious issue for the Border Police, SIPA, and the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH,” Dzaferovic pointed out.
Also, he added that everyone who participated in it should bear responsibility because such a project must get the approval of BiH institutions.
Dzaferovic stated that he was sure that the state institutions had not given their approval and that they were dealing with autocracy and abuse of power for which some from BiH and some from other countries would be responsible.