The Annual Assembly of the Anti-Corruption Network in B&H ‘Account’ will be held today in Sarajevo, organized by the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption of B&H, Association Center for Development of Media and Analysis (CRMA) and Association Infohouse.
A report will be presented at the Assembly on the first year of activities of the network Account, report of the Committee of the Network and suggestions for new members of the Committee, report on the work of the sector working groups and suggestions for selection new chair people.
David Barth, Director of the USAID Mission in B&H, will address participants, and together with Eldin Karić, Director of Project Account, will hand out letters of thanks for cooperation with the nonprofit sector in the fight against corruption.
Also, a presentation of new initiatives as part of the Strategy for the fight against corruption will be presented on behalf of the representatives of the RS and FB&H governments, announced the Account team.
(Source: Fena)