‘‘The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has never been worse in the political sense, and that can have consequences for the security situation. A small incident is enough to cause turbulence, ” Federal Minister of the Internal Affairs, Aljosa Campara said.
“We must protect the citizens of BiH, peace has no alternative. I do not think that the international community and normal people, especially the citizens of BiH, will allow some of the horrors that happened 25 years ago to happen again, but no oneis sure. Politicians are not normal and what they are doing is not normal, so it remains to be seen what will happen,” Campara told.
Regarding the investigation on the murder of Sarajevo police officers, Campara explained that the clarification of this act is nearing its end and that the case lasted a long time due to its complexity.
“I think that none of the participants should have special treatment, as announced by the lawyers. Everyone who participated, in any way, in the murder of police officers should receive the highest possible penalties,” Campara stressed.
Apart from the murder of police officers, the citizens of BiH are most shaken by the unsolved murders of Dzenan Memic and David Dragicevic. Campara believes that the failure to solve these murders calls into question the existence of the state of BiH.
“If you do not have an independent, strong, and quality judiciary, then you cannot expect to have a normal and independent state. Then we move into a state of anarchy, not legal order and the rule of law,” he stressed.
Campara used to be a high-ranking member of the SDA, after which he joined the People and Justice (Narod i pravda) party, and he said that his action is justified.
“It did not suit me that people with forged diplomas perform the most important duties in BiH. I did not like the fact that people who are not smart, capable, and educated enough to represent a party in Canton Sarajevo (CS). I could not understand that people by buying votes, threats, blackmail, promising employment can influence the delegates, ” Campara emphasized.
Source: BHRT