Microcredit Foundation LOK (LOKMMF) in the cooperation with Caritas from Switzerland, this year as well continues to, through favorable credit lines, supports hundreds of small family farms and helps their clients in the production of berries.
This project has proven as very successful in last years, especially in terms of providing the production of healthy food. Increase in self-employment, improving life quality and achieving sustainable development in rural areas.
The investment is mainly related to the investment in seedlings and irrigation systems. This type of risk is minimized through the provision of favorable credits with the repayment that starts after the purchase of first cop.
Benefits of such projects is the possibility of improving the life standard of the population, and were recognized by the leaders of the Municipality of Olovo from the Sector for development, and together with LOKMMF organized the meeting with more than 50 agricultures from all local communities of that municipality.
Attendees showed a great interest for this project, and the Municipality of Olovo will help interested ones with the making of the business plan and subsidize the cost of the grace period, as announced from LOKMMF.
(Source: seebiz.net)