The official visit of members of BiH Presidency to Slovenia started at the Congress Square in Ljubljana with the ceremony of a solemn reception, with the highest state honors.
After the welcoming ceremony, tete-a-tete meeting between BiH Presidency and the president of the Republic of Slovenia was held in the Presidential Palace, and then meeting of delegations of two countries.
President Pahor expressed his satisfaction with the visit of BiH Presidency and emphasized that it is a big honor, especially because of the fact that right Slovenia has been chosen for the first foreign visit of the newly elected BiH Presidency. He expressed his support to BiH at the journey towards the EU and confirmed the readiness of Slovenia to help BiH to speed up the EU integration path.
During the meeting woth the president Pahor, members of the BiH Presidency said that BiH and Republic of Slovenia are friendly countries, which have no opened political questions. They emphasized that the commercial and economic cooperation is at high level but also that there are possibilities for the improvement. It has been talked about possibilities of the common performance at third markets. BiH Presidency members expressed their gratitude to the president Pahor and people of Slovenia for their help during last year’s floods in our country.
Also, it has been talked about the cooperation at the regional plan, especially within Brdo process. They also discussed about the issue of clients of Ljubljanska banka and the readiness of Slovenia to implement decisions of Court has been expressed.
BiH Presidency members also met with the president of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Milan Brglez. During the meeting, they talked about the cooperation of parliaments of these two countries and possibilities of improvement of relations. It was agreed that the parliamentary cooperation is very important for improving of relations between BiH and Slovenia. The president of the National Assembly emphasized that in the Parliament exists a Group of friendship BiH-Republic of Slovenia and emphasized the importance of their activities.
During the official visit to Slovenia, BiH Presidency members also met with the president of the Government, Miro Cerar. At the meeting, most attention was paid to the economic cooperation. The possibility of the improvement of the cooperation in economy, tourism and other branches has been emphasized. It has also been talked about the cooperation of the Council of Minister of BiH and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, especially in a relation to the joint appearance at third markets.
BiH Presidency members also visited the City Hall in Ljubljana and met with the Mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Jankovic.