At the proposal by the Minister of Security, the Council of Ministers of BiH reached a decision on the lowest amount of funds necessary for alimony of foreigners during their intended stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with the Law on Foreigners.
The decision defines that when entering BiH in 2017 foreigners must dispose with 150 BAM or equal amount in foreign currency for every day of intended stay in BiH.
At yesterday’s session the Council of Ministers adopted the Analysis of foreign trade exchange of BiH for the period January-September 2016, which states that total trade exchange amounted to 18.67 billion BAM or 174.06 million more than in the same period in 2015.
In this period, the trade deficit decreased by 3.23 percent in comparison with 2015 and amounted to 4.95 billion BAM. Export increased by 2.54 percent and amounted to 6.86 billion BAM. Import is almost on the same level as in 2015 and it amounted to 11.81 billion BAM. Coverage of import with export in the period January-September 2016 amounted to 58.09 percent.
The European Union is still the main foreign trade partner of BiH. Therefore, in the total volume of trade exchange the share of EU is 65.7 percent, followed by CEFTA countries with 13.36 percent, and other countries with 20.89 percent.
Share of export to EU is 72.82 percent in total BiH export, and import from EU countries makes up 61.65 percent of total BiH import.
BiH exported the most to Germany (16.29), Italy (12.12 percent), Croatia (10.53 percent), Slovenia (8.56 percent), Serbia (8.36 percent), Austria (8.02 percent), Turkey (3.74 percent), Montenegro (2.56 percent), Hungary (2.17 percent) and the Netherlands (2.14 percent).
In the same period, BiH imported the most from Germany (12.48 percent), Italy (11.63 percent), Serbia (11.32 percent), Croatia (9.91 percent), China (6.86 percent), Slovenia (5.1 percent), Russia (4.35 percent), Turkey (4.24 percent), Austria (3.43 percent), and Poland (2.93 percent).