President of the Republic of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovi said that she received the award “Isa beg Ishakovic“ with a deep respect, as a sign of a recognition, not just to her, but in a symbolical way to the Republic of Croatia, whose relations with B&H are, as she emphasized, “historically long and mutually extremely important“.
She said that at the award ceremony of the International award “Isa beg Ishakovic“, which took place last night in Sarajevo.
Namely, Committee for the award of this International award, among several candidates, chose Grabar-Kitarovic by a majority vote as this year’s 10th winner.
The International award “Isa beg Ishakovic“ was established in 2015 by a professor Amel Suljovic, as his work in the field of the international promotion of Sarajevo and B&H, its cultural heritage and the diverse ethno-national structure, making it unique in Europe.
Grabar-Kitarovic said that centuries of history of noble efforts of numerous individuals and institutions from Croatia, which, overcoming differences and border between B&H and Croatia, built the unity between people and nations of both countries, is woven into this award.
“I am glad that you recognized me as one of them“, emphasized she.
As she said, the world unity is especially important for her, because it overcomes the framework of tolerance, cooperation and the coexistence as well, and leads to a harmonious dedication to goals that have a meaning of the common good for all people and all nations.
“I am convinced that this idea expresses the basic content of the award I received this night, and which is named after the founder of Sarajevo“, said Grabar-Kitarovic and added that this award is specially dear to her as a memeber of the Croatian people, whose history on the territory of B&H is a part of its national history, as it is, at the same time, an important part of the hBH history itself.