At yesterday’s special session, which was held by telephone, the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) made the Decision on the redistribution of funds of 12.000.000 BAM from the budget position of the Federal Ministry of Health to the Institute of Public Health of the FBiH.
With this decision, the FBiH Government approved the redistribution of 12 million BAM provided for the procurement of coronavirus vaccines.
The explanation of this decision states that the Government of FBiH, at yesterday’s 258th session, passed a conclusion on the procurement of vaccines against coronavirus, within which the manner of providing funds from the FBiH Budget for 2021 was defined.
According to that, the Federal Ministry of Health was asked to immediately initiate activities for redistribution of funds planned in this year’s budget for the vaccine procurement to the FBiH Public Health Institute, which is in charge of concluding the contract.
The Government of the FBiH yesterday amended the Decree on Intervention Measures to Support Vulnerable Sectors of the FBiH Economy in the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, which extended the deadline for submitting reports on earmarked spending for beneficiaries of financial assistance until March 31st, 2021, writes.