In the late afternoon, rescuers from the Mountain Rescue Service of the Sarajevo Station managed to evacuate three mountaineers from the Krvavac site on Bjelasnica Mountain.
After assessing and taking care of the injuries, the members of the GSS requested the transport of EUFOR, and soon two injured persons were transported by their helicopters to the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo, despite the unfavorable weather conditions. The third mountaineer, who was not injured, will be evacuated by land.
Support for the rescue operation was provided by the Sarajevo Canton Civil Protection Operations Center, as well as the Canton Sarajevo Ministry of Interior Operations Center, with which the leader of the action was in continuous communication.
“We were accompanied by members of the Cantonal Civil Protection, as well as members of GSS Trebevic, who also provided the vehicle needed to transport snowmobiles to the Umoljan region. We thank all participants, as well as GSS Ilidza, who made themselves available.” , according to the GSS Station Sarajevo.