Factory for production of fries will soon start operating in Srebrenica, and works on the construction of the building are in the final stage.
Testing of equipment is currently taking place, as well as the trial production on a line on which 10 workers are employed.
Mayor’s Advisor for the economy and development of the Municipality of Srebrenica, Cazim Salimovic, said that the trial production showed that it is a high-quality fries.
“Judging from the current products, we can conclude that we have buyers on BiH market, as well as abroad. It can be expected that the factory “Srebrencanka” will be officially opened in the upcoming months,” confirmed Salimovic.
He stated that the employment of 53 workers is planned.
In the construction of the factory “Srebrencanka” was invested about 10 million BAM, and it will be built in accordance with all European standards.
(Source: novovrijeme.ba)