B&H will submit a formal application for membership in the European Union on Monday, thus starting an important part of the path of our country in the process of Euro-Atlantic integrations.
Three tasks whose implementation depends on the credibility of the application of our country in the EU are economic reform agenda, mechanism of coordination and adjustment of the SAA related to the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Regarding the Reform Agenda, the Council of Ministers recently adopted most of the strategic documents, except for debt management strategy, which is currently in the process of implementation.
In the past period since the adoption of Agenda in July 2015, the Council of Ministers adopted a series of strategic documents, which are defined by the Action Plan for the implementation of Agenda, including: the Justice sector reform strategy, Strategy for prevention and combating terrorism and the Strategy for integrated border management, which are implemented as planned except for the one strategy whose realization is in progress, and it’s the Debt management strategy.
Most of the laws that are planned by the Action Plan has been adopted, such as the Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code, the Law on Customs Policy, the Law on Amendments to the Law on Salaries and Allowances in B&H institutions, whose key purpose is further rationalization, the Law on Electronic Signatures, and drafting of the Law on civil service is currently taking place, as well as he Law on Amendments to the Law on Excise.
From the total number of measures included in the Action Plan, which is consisted of 33 tasks to level of B&H, 17 of them has been realized so far, i.e. more than 50 %.
The rest of the Action Plan will be solved “on the go”, after submitting formal application to Brussels on the 15th of February.
(Source: I. P./Klix.ba)