According to the employment institutes and services in BiH, 536.684 unemployed persons were registered ending with February. In comparison with January 31, this is an increase by 2.414 persons or 0.45 percent.
Of the total number of registered unemployed persons in February, there were 13.490 of the newly registered persons looking for a job. The number of people deleted from the registers of the employment institutes and services amounts to 16.032. Of the total number of those deleted from the registers, 9.357 persons or 58.36 percent were employed.
In February, the employees reported 3.864 needs for hiring new workers to the employment institutes and services in BIH, while the registered number of persons whose employment was terminated in the reporting period amounted to 6.070.
According to the Agency for Statistics of BiH for January 2015, registered employment amounted to 717.929 persons and unemployment to 539.098 persons, the rate of registered unemployment amounted to 42.9 percent, and the survey unemployment rate for the past year amounted to 27.7 percent.
In January this year, the number of employed in legal entities in BiH amounted to 717.929. Of this number, 296.749 are women. Compared with December last year, the total number of employed in legal entities increased by 0.3 percent, and the number of women employed has also increased by 0.4 percent.
The rate of registered unemployment in January this year amounted to 42.9 percent and, in comparison with December last year, it remained unchanged, the Agency for Statistics of BiH stated.
(Source: photo oslobodjenje)